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USDA Prime Private Stock

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USDA Prime beef is the highest quality grade based on United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) beef grading scale. USDA Prime beef accounts for about 5-6% of all beef. To be considered USDA Prime, the beef must have the highest degree of marbling from well-fed, quality cattle. As a result, the meat is tender, juicy, and flavorful. USDA Prime meat is considered the best quality available and is most often found in high-end steakhouses and restaurants.
USDA Prime Steaks are a luxury item that can be found in high-end restaurants and steakhouses. If you're looking for a gift for a steak aficionado who appreciates quality, a USDA Prime Steak gift box is a great choice! USDA Prime Steak Variety Packs, Filet Mignon, Ribeye, Strip, Top Sirloin, Porterhouse, and T-Bone steaks are all available online at Kansas City Steaks. So, whatever their favorite steak is, you can order USDA Prime Steaks online for the ultimate steak dining experience.
On one hand, USDA Prime Steaks are rare and considered the highest quality beef available, with the most marbling and flavor. On the other hand, it also tends to be more expensive steak than other grades of beef. If you're looking for the ultimate experience in taste and tenderness and are willing to pay a premium steak price, then USDA Prime Steaks are right for you.
USDA Prime is the highest quality grade given to steaks, according to the United States Department of Agriculture beef grading system. There are eight different grades of beef. The highest three grades are usually cut for steaks: USDA Select, USDA Choice, and USDA Prime. The remaining five beef grades are Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, and Canner Beef.
USDA Prime is the highest grade of beef with the most marbling, which makes it the most flavorful. USDA Choice beef is the next grade down from USDA Prime beef. It is still considered to be high quality but has less marbling than what USDA Prime Beef has. The amount of marbling contributes to flavor, tenderness, juiciness, and overall eating experience. Typically, the more marbling, the better eating experience.
USDA Prime Steak and Angus Beef are two different characteristics that cannot be compared to each other. USDA Prime is a grade of beef that indicates the highest degree of marbling in a cut, while Angus Beef refers to a specific breed of cattle (Angus) that are known for producing high-quality beef. It is possible that a cut of Angus Beef could be graded as USDA Prime if it has superior marbling and is from high quality, well-fed cattle. Make sure to choose beef with "USDA Prime" labeling if you want the best-of-the-best in terms of marbling.
USDA Prime and Wagyu Steaks are both terms that refer to highly marbled beef but cannot be compared to one another. USDA Prime steaks have the highest degree of marbling in the USDA's Beef Grading System, while Wagyu is a Japanese cattle breed that is known for being intensely marbled and overly impressive in appearance American Raised Wagyu cattle are subject to the same grading system used in Japan (Japanese Beef Grading System), however, the USDA Grading System typically has Wagyu Beef fall into the Prime category. While USDA Prime and Wagyu steaks might be considered similar in the USDA’s Grading System, it is visibly obvious to see the differences in the type of marbling between the two.
Sounds simple, but knowing your producer is the starting point to great steaks. That's why we've sourced the best cattle in the country from trusted producers with known and approved management methods by building long-running relationships over generations. USDA Prime is the highest quality grade of beef available. USDA Prime Steaks have the highest degree of marbling, offering the best eating experience any steak can give. The high level of marbling in Prime Beef increases the tenderness, juiciness, and flavor, making these steaks great for grilling and other dry cooking methods. It is with great pride that the Kansas City Steak Company offers you our USDA Prime Private Stock®. Our delicious USDA Prime Beef selections include exquisitely marbled, tender cuts such as Filet Mignon steaks, Top Sirloin steaks, Kansas City Strips and our crowd-pleasing Porterhouse Steaks. We assure you that you'll never taste any meat that is more tender, flavorful, or delicious.
