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USDA Prime Beef

Kansas City Steak Company Offers Private Stock USDA Prime Beef

Of all the beef produced in the United States, only the top five to six percent earns the government label "USDA Prime Beef." The Kansas City Steak Company works directly with ranchers to ensure a steady supply of the finest livestock. All cows are young, corn-fed and raised in ideal conditions in the golden wheat and cornfields of the Midwest, resulting in a superior cut of prime beef.

Meat grades do vary, and the most common cuts of meat found in grocery stores and butcher shops are labeled either Choice or Select. It is quite rare to find USDA Prime Beef in a retail environment. Most often, you will find that it is actually the most upscale restaurants which are serving the USDA prime beef.

It is with great pride that the Kansas City Steak Company offers you the opportunity to purchase Private Stock® USDA Prime Beef. Our delicious selections include exquisitely marbled, tender cuts such as Filet Mignon steaks, Top Sirloin steaks, Kansas City Strips and our crowd-pleasing Porterhouse Steaks. We assure you that you'll never taste any meat that is more tender, flavorful or delicious.

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